The Gelenk Klinik Spine Centre - bringing Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Rehabilitation together

Chronic back pain is often diagnosed by specialists from different fields and different areas of knowledge.
Depending on whether you consult a general practitioner, a doctor with a background in psychosomatic medicine, an orthopaedic surgeon, a neurosurgeon or a rehabilitation physician, the explanation for your problem and the treatment recommendations you receive, may vary greatly. Many patients relate the experience of having to search for an effective diagnosis of and plan of action for their back pain for a very long time.
Our team of specialists work together to provide diagnosis and treatment of your back pain

The Spine Centre at the orthopaedic Gelenk-Klinik aims to help patients fast, by bringing specialists from all the different disciplines together in one place. By offering an interdisciplinary perspective on the pain, we are able to help patients find a solution to their pain quickly and effectively.
The Gelenk-Klinik Spine Centre Specialist Team
The Neurosurgeon - Specialist for the Nerves and the Spinal Cord
The neurosurgeon is an expert on nerve and spinal cord function. Because the spinal cord is part of the central nervous system, back pain can often be related to neurological problems and pain.
Trapped nerves may lead to numbness, paralysis and loss of sensation. The source of back pain is often identified when the nerves are thoroughly examined. This investigation is just as important as the imaging techniques (X-rays and MRI). If the intervertebral discs are found to be degenerated and causing pain, the neurosurgical consultant can reverse this situation and maintain the functionality of the spine through modern artificial disc replacement surgery.
The Physical Therapist - Expert Consultant for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Medicine.
The expert consultant for rehabilitation and physical therapy Dr Pawel Bak can treat chronic back pain and movement disorders by looking at deficits in mobility, metabolism and regeneration.
The analysis of the metabolic situation in the painful or immobile areas is a particularly important part of his work.
If the tissue in a part of the body is subjected to long episodes of pain and cramps, the metabolism in this tissue will not be efficient. This metabolic inefficiency in turn leads to more pain and thus chronic pain is perpetuated in a vicious circle.
Through appropriate measures in the field of physical therapy pain can be effectively overcome and mobility restored.
The Physiotherapist - Specialist in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

For all types of back pain, it is particularly important to treat patients as quickly as possible to stimulate and strengthen the movement. Chronic pain is often associated with the loss of muscle function because the patient often avoids particular movements to escape the pain. Physiotherapists and physicians work alongside each other in the Spine Centre of the Gelenk-Klinik in order to offer specific treatment and rehabilitation exercises for each medical condition.