Joint Surgeons in Germany

Gelenk Klinik Orthopaedic Clinic
Alte Bundesstrasse 58
D-79194 Gundelfingen
fon: +49-761-79117-228
fax: +49-761-79117-999

Specialised anaesthesiology is a key to patients safety in orthopaedic clinic in Germany Germany

Surgical Risk: The anaesthetist is responsible for the overall safety of the patient in the Orthopaedic Operating Room

The anaesthetist minimises the patient’s surgical risk

Every surgical intervention in humans comes with a level of risk. For this reason, every potential risk must be carefully evaluated and balanced against the expected benefit, before surgery is decided upon. Specialised orthopaedic surgery at the Gelenk Klinik starts with a thorough decision-making process.

The expected benefits of your operation must outweigh any potential risks. The benefits that you can expect from a particular surgical procedure will be defined by the orthopaedic surgeon, and your level of risk from undergoing that procedure will be estimated by the anaesthetist.

How do anaesthetists evaluate personal risk?

  • Reviewing your regular medication
  • Checking for an existing heart condition by ECG
  • Checking physiological parameters and health by testing a blood sample in the laboratory
  • Carrying out an in-depth interview and risk assessment
  • If required, consultation of specialists from other medical disciplines for further medical checks

The anaesthetist will determine your risk

Personal Risk Factors for Anaesthesia

  • Age
  • Cardiovascular situation (cardiac arrhythmia, blood pressure)
  • Neurological conditions
  • Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes
  • Regular medication
  • Habits and lifestyle, such as smoking, alcohol, consumption, weight and level of overall fitness

The expected benefit of surgery is defined by your orthopaedic condition. However, many factors define your overall personal level of health. Many patients suffer only from an orthopaedic condition and are otherwise in perfect health.

The patient's risk is a function of many factors: age, pre-existing conditions and underlying conditions (e.g. cardiovascular, tumours, neurological disorders). The individual risk of an orthopaedic patient is also defined by personal circumstances, such as the overall level of health and the likelihood of hereditary diseases.

The anaesthetist will also discuss your habits, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, use of regular medication, weight and current level of fitness, in a confidential consultation. Every aspect of health and lifestyle is considered in a personal risk assessment.

Defining your risk during the pre-surgery interview with the anaesthetist

All these factors will be evaluated in a thorough discussion with the anaesthetist before committing yourself to surgery. This evaluation is formal and independent of the preparation you receive from the orthopaedic surgeon. Without consent from the anaesthetist, surgical intervention cannot be legally performed.

Legal Context of Anaesthesia in Germany

According to German law the examination by an anaesthetist, also called premedication, takes place at least a day before the planned date of surgery. Both the anaesthetist and the patient should have enough time to gain a thorough understanding of the existing individual risk. Only a state of emergency can override this rule.

Because our anaesthetists have the experience of many years of clinical work, they can carry out a very thorough pre-surgery risk assessment of every patient.

In the orthopaedic Gelenk Klinik we apply tighter standards of patient security compared to many larger hospitals which rely on high-tech intensive care units to deal with problems when they arise. Our goal is to offer our patients the highest level of security prior to and throughout the surgical procedure.

Using strict monitoring procedures the anaesthetist keeps you safe during surgery

All cardiovascular parameters are continuously monitored throughout the procedure. Additionally, both muscle activity and brainwaves are constantly measured and monitored. Monitoring of this data immediately warns of any potential problems during surgery. These can then be very quickly and easily corrected.

The wide choice of methods of anaesthesia contributes to patient comfort and safety.

Side effects of specific anaesthetic techniques can be minimised by careful selection of the correct approach, tailored to individual patient needs.

The experience of our surgeons and anaesthetists is something we are particularly proud of. As a result of their long-established cooperation, individual complications are extremely rare at the Orthopaedic Gelenk Klinik. Since 1992 the Orthopaedic Gelenk Klinik has never lost a patient during surgery or had a patient suffer severe side effects from anaesthesia.

Expert anaesthesiological consultation is a vital factor in patient safety

We are happy to discuss your risk profile, as well as our proposed anaesthetic procedures with you even before you arrive for surgery. Sometimes we may advise adjustments to regular medication or a change in lifestyle habits before your visit to the Gelenk Klink to maximise your security during surgery.

International patients can be assured of our willingness to discuss and assess individual risk from the outset of the planning process.

We welcome any further questions regarding safety in anaesthesia or our anaesthesiological risk assessment procedure.

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Orthopaedic Clinic Germany

Orthopedic clinic and surgeons in Germany

MVZ Gelenk-Klinik
Orthopaedic Clinic

ISO 9001:2015 certified quality

Alte Bundesstrasse 58

D-79194 Gundelfingen,


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Map and Route

Location of Gelenk-Klinik Gundelfingen
View Details of the location
  • Distance to EURO-Airport Basel: 80 km (45 mins)
  • Distance to Zurich: 161 km (1h 40)
  • Distance to Frankfurt: 259 km (2h 20)

Centre for Arthroplasty

Center of Excellence in Arthroplasty

Certified Centre for Arthroplasty (Centre for Endoprosthesis)